Character Profile: Uther Wildheart

Uther Wildheart is another young Howler loyal to the Bloodfangs. Orphaned during the war like so many cubs of his generation, Uther does not remember his parents and survived many years alone on the mean streets of Lupa, thieving one meal to the next, learning to fight, flee and hide as necessary; skills that put... Continue Reading →

Character Profile – Linus Mills

  Linus Mills is a newly-minted Howler of Bloodfang allegiance. Like many Bloodfangs he hails from far afield, his blonde fur hinting at his South Rostsonner background. His first partner and new best friend is the renowned Uther Wildheart. Though very young and naive, Linus is well-read and trains hard. He finished top of his year... Continue Reading →

Though hyena culture appears a dense web to outsiders, in general males are deferential to females and must ultimately obey their wishes. This rule applies across the tribes, from the lowliest commoner up to the royal family. There are no kings in hyena society, only sacred queens. The highest rank a male can hope for,... Continue Reading →

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